
All 3 and 4 Year old enrolments at Oakleigh Primary School and Kindergarten are managed centrally through the City of Monash.  Therefore please visit the City of Monash website for more information on how and when to apply for Kindergarten.

Prior to applying please refer to our Enrolment Policy.

Term 1 2025 Group Tour dates:

Tuesday 25 February - 10:15am

Wednesday 26 February - 10:00am

Thursday 6 March - 10:15am

Tuesday 25 March - 10:15am

Tuesday 1 April - 10:15am

Please book in via email at or call 9568 6315.

In the meantime, why not take a Virtual Tour of Oakleigh PS & Kindergarten instead! For any further enrolment inquiries, please contact the Kindergarten Administrator via email kinderadmin@oakleighps.vic.edu.au.


When should my child start kinder?

Families of children with birth dates between 1 January and 30 April have a choice about whether their child will commence school in the year they turn five or the following year, and therefore whether they commence funded kindergarten in the year they turn three or the year they turn four.

It is important for children to start school when they are ready to learn in a more formal environment. It is also important for you consider when it is best for your child to start school as this will help you determine the best time for them to commence kindergarten.

All children learn and develop in different ways. Some children may benefit from starting school at a younger age, while other children may benefit from starting later. Families with children born between 1 January and 30 April need to make an informed choice about which year they would like their child to commence school and therefore which year their child will attend a funded kindergarten program.

Families need to choose carefully, as children are expected to complete one full year of three year old kindergarten in the year they enrol and begin attending and one full year of four year old kindergarten in the year they enrol and are attending. Children will only be funded for two years of kindergarten before school unless they are deemed as eligible for a third year due to delays in a number of key criteria. Age is not an eligibility criteria for a third year. There will be no provision for a second year of three year old kinder.

Kindergarten services are able to provide families with relevant information about when is the best time for children to start kindergarten.  Other early childhood professionals, such as your maternal and child health nurse, can also provide advice to help you make an informed decision about the best age for your child to start kindergarten and school.

What is important is to keep learning, to enjoy challenge, and to tolerate ambiguity. In the end there are no certain answers.
— Martina Horner

Oakleigh Primary School and Kindergarten acknowledges the support of the Victorian Government.